A National Media Brokerage & Event Sponsorship Sales Firm
Our work has produced an interesting journey. We are tremendously blessed to align with gifted and talented catalogers,
publishers, producers, event developers and manufacturers. Together we have crafted unique and highly effective media,
marketing and sales programs.
Below is a snap shot of several media properties and advertisers we have worked with over the years. We think you will be impressed!
The Powell Group has successfully established more marketing partnerships between leading mail order companies and corporate America. We understand all aspects of the catalog business and how to effectivey activate partnerships to ensure success for all involved! For this reason, through the years we have worked for some of the biggest and best names in the mail order arena including Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Orvis, Dunn's, Herter's, Overton's, Eastbay, Limited Too, Justice and Spiegel.


We cut our teeth in the magazine world and grew our business from the experiences gained. Powell Group founder Doyle Powell and team worked on countless titles in the outdoors before branching into other print avenues. Some of the publications represented through the years include: Bassin', Bassmaster, Buckmasters, Bass Pro's Outdoor World, Cabela's Outfitter's Journal, Southern Outdoors, Western Outdoors, Texas Fish & Game, In-Fisherman, Florida Sportsman, Big Game Fishing Journal, Chevy Outdoors, Louisiana Sportsman, North Carolina Sportsman, South Carolina Sportsman, Alabama Outdoors, Georgia Outdoor News, Pennsylvania Outdoor Times, Michigan Out-of-Doors, The Aqua-Field Publications Network, and Sporting Classics
In additon to numerous outdoor titles, we have also represented several lifestyle publications, including Golf Illustrated, Alabama Vacation Guide, Pet Life, Cabin Life, Century Twenty-One Living and Lego Magazine.
Established in 1995 by The Powell Group and still going strong 25 years later, The Cattle Connection Magazine Network was created for two primary purposes. First, to package state association sponsored cattle magazines as a group to gain circulation reach for advertisers. Second, to provide advertisers "one stop media buying and extended client services" while working through one contact (The Powell Group) as opposed to 25 different publishers. The Cattle Connection continues to meet its core objectives and exceed our publishers' and advertisers' expectations.

Outdoor television hit full stride in the early 1990s and The Powell Group enjoyed the ride, experience gained, and relationships established. What was once only a hand full of celebrity hosted shows on a couple of national TV networks soon grew to become countless shows, celebrity hosted and corporate backed, across both exisiting and newly launched networks.
Through the years The Powell Group has represented the best of the best among outdoor shows and personalities, starting with outdoor legend Hank Parker's Outdoor Magazine TV Series. The Powell Group also secured sponsorships for Bill Dance Outdoors, Jimmy Houston Outdoors, Buckmasters, Bass Pro Shop's Outdoor World TV, Cabela's Outfitter's Journal TV, Addictive Fishing, Mossy Oak's Huntin' The Country, Rusty Faulk Outdoors and Mark Sosin's Saltwater Adventure.
Securing and managing Eastman Kodak's initiative in the Great Outdoors — creating the Coca-Cola Race & Reel event at Walt Disney World, a made for television event pairing the world's top NASCAR drivers and best bass anglers in a two-man, 10-team competition of racing and fishing — or establishing a licensing parntership between Garmin's Vivofit and the Biggest Loser . . . are a few examples and case studies of The Powell Group's capabilities with numerous custom or special projects. It is in this arena of creativity that we often shine brightest!